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Turku PET Symposium 2025 | 6-9 June 2025 | Turku, Finland

Workshops and user meetings

Workshops and user meetings

Turku PET Symposium 2025 scientific programme consists of invited lectures, free papers and posters. In addition, parallel sessions will include user meetings and workshops. The descriptions of the user meetings and workshops can be found below. The user meetings and workshops will be held at the symposium venue Turku City Theatre and are intended for symposium participants.

If you have questions regarding the scientific programme, please contact the symposium organising committee:

Carimas and 15O Users' Meeting

Saturday, 7 June at 8:30–12:30

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Carimas is a medical imaging analysis program for visualizing and analyzing DICOM imaging data (PET/CT/MRI/and more) for both clinical and research studies. It is developed at the Turku PET Centre and is widely used in all over the world. So far, over seven hundred of scientific research papers have been published based on Carimas analysis results. In this session, you will have an opportunity to learn the latest development and applications of Carimas in various fields. Furthermore, Carimas team will provide general and questions-based demonstrations. Part I of the user meeting focuses on applications of Carimas in clinical studies and Part II applications in research.

Detailed programme of the user meeting:

Part I: Applications in clinical studies. Chaired by Chunlei Han and Juhani Knuuti

8:30-9:00 Current applications and future of 15O-labeled tracers in clinical practices and biomedical research
Juhani Knuuti, Turku PET Centre, Finland
9:00-9:30 TBA
9:30-10:00 Experience of applications of radiowater on myocardial perfusion in HUS
Jyri Lehto, HUS, Helsinki, Finland
10:00-10:15 Discussion and conclusion


Part II: Applications in research. Chaired by Chunlei Han and Maxwell Miner

10:45-11:10 Data processing and analysis using Carimas
Hidehiro Ida, Turku PET Centre, Finland
11:10-11:30 Impact of Carimas on biomedical research based publications
Chunlei Han, Turku PET Centre, Finland
11:30-11:50 Quantitative analysis of histology images
Maxwell Miner, Turku PET Centre, Finland
11:50-12:10 Myocardial Perfusion: Can We Agree On Values?
Sergey Nesterov, Turku PET Centre, Finland
12:10-12:30 TBA

EATRIS EU Tracer Factory workshop

Sunday, 8 June at 9:30–10:30

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The EU Tracer Factory brings together radiopharmaceutical chemists, radiopharmacists, and nuclear medicine scientists, to facilitate the exchange of invaluable insights in radiosynthesis and radiopharmacy. This collaborative network supports scientists by providing a platform for sharing expertise and best practices.

Radiometabolite analysis & Plasma protein binding workshop

Monday, 9 June at 8:30–10:30

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We are excited to invite you to an engaging and informative workshop on PET radiometabolite analysis and PET tracer plasma protein binding analysis, designed specifically for professionals working with PET tracers. This event offers a valuable opportunity to network and to discuss methodologies, and their challenges and share experiences.

Workshop Highlights

  • Expert Talks: Gain insights from leading researchers on the practical aspects like new methodologies, results, challenges with instrumentation, and future directions of the field. Confirmed Speakers: Usevalad Ustsinau (Medical University of Vienna, Austria), Yasir Khani (Karolinska Institutet, Sweden), Richard Aarnio (Turku PET Centre, Finland) and Pedro Brugarolas (Gordon Center for Medical Imaging of Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School).
  • Interactive Discussions: Participate in open discussion to share ideas and address pressing issues, like the impact of total-body PET or for example the role of plasma protein binding in tracer behavior.

Target Audience

  • Researchers and scientists involved in the development and evaluation of PET tracers.
  • Pharmacokinetic and modeling experts interested in integrating radiometabolite data.

This workshop aims to have a collaborative environment where ideas and challenges of the field can be shared. Whether you are seeking to deepen your understanding or share your expertise, this is an event for you.

We look forward to your participation!

Technologists’ session: Whole-body PET

Monday, 9 June at 11:00–13:00

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11:00-11:30 Whole body PET: the pros and cons experienced by a radiographer
Suvi Hietanen
11:30-12:00 Dose optimization for whole body PET using 15O-radiowater
Heidi Partanen, Turku PET Centre, Finland
12:00-12:30 Survival analysis and functions of a Research coordinator at Turku PET-centre
Mikko Koivumäki, Turku PET Centre, Finland
12:30-13:00 Navigating the Research Landscape: The Multifaceted Role of a Research Coordinator in Radiology
Ekaterina Saukko